Our staff works long hours, nights, weekends, and holidays yet rarely are they complimented on their job performance by members of the public. They are forced to miss family functions and are challenged to take care of us all in some fashion every day they work. More often than not, they are placed in dangerous if not deadly situations with very little appreciation in return.
As your Sheriff, I encourage you to take the time to either send us an email or a personal letter when you have the desire to compliment one of our staff members. Based upon past experiences, it is a very proud and comforting feeling to be handed a complimentary letter that was written by one of our citizens.
Emails may be submitted to [email protected].
Otto H. Hanak, Sheriff
It is essential that a proper relationship is maintained between the Washington County Sheriff’s Office and the citizens it serves. Officers must be free to exercise their best judgment and to initiate enforcement actions in a reasonable, lawful, and impartial manner and without fear of reprisal. It is our intent to protect the employee, community, and agency by identifying and correcting inappropriate performance. Should a citizen believe that an act by an employee is improper, they are encouraged to bring it to the attention of this office.
Pursuant to Texas Government Code (Section 614.022) before a complaint can be considered by an agency head, it must be made in writing, signed by the person making the complaint, and a copy of the signed complaint given to the officer. Additionally, the complaint must be notarized and submitted in person to the Washington County Sheriff’s Office. This office will make every effort to ensure that no adverse consequences occur to any person or witness as a result of having filed a good faith complaint or for providing information in any investigation of a complaint. Any employee who subjects a complainant or witness to recrimination or harassment for providing such information will incur disciplinary action as deemed appropriate.
The Washington County Sheriff’s Office will vigorously pursue all complaints. Complaints will be investigated and referred through proper channels for final disposition and the Complainant(s) will be notified of the outcome. Informal or anonymous complaints will be reviewed but will not be investigated.
Prior to filing a complaint, an individual should be aware of and understand Texas Penal Code, Section 37.02 which states:
A person commits an offense, if with intent to deceive and with the knowledge of the statement’s meaning:
(1) he makes a false statement under oath or swears to the truth of a false statement previously made and the
statement is required or authorized by law to be made under oath; or
(2) he makes a false sworn declaration under Chapter 132, Civil Practice and Remedies Code.
(b) An offense under this section is a Class Misdemeanor.
Our staff works long hours, nights, weekends, and holidays yet rarely are they complimented on their job performance by members of the public. They are forced to miss family functions and are challenged to take care of us all in some fashion every day they work. More often than not, they are placed in dangerous if not deadly situations with very little appreciation in return.
As your Sheriff, I encourage you to take the time to either send us an email or a personal letter when you have the desire to compliment one of our staff members. Based upon past experiences, it is a very proud and comforting feeling to be handed a complimentary letter that was written by one of our citizens.
Emails may be submitted to [email protected].
Otto H. Hanak, Sheriff
It is essential that a proper relationship is maintained between the Washington County Sheriff’s Office and the citizens it serves. Officers must be free to exercise their best judgment and to initiate enforcement actions in a reasonable, lawful, and impartial manner and without fear of reprisal. It is our intent to protect the employee, community, and agency by identifying and correcting inappropriate performance. Should a citizen believe that an act by an employee is improper, they are encouraged to bring it to the attention of this office.
Pursuant to Texas Government Code (Section 614.022) before a complaint can be considered by an agency head, it must be made in writing, signed by the person making the complaint, and a copy of the signed complaint given to the officer. Additionally, the complaint must be notarized and submitted in person to the Washington County Sheriff’s Office. This office will make every effort to ensure that no adverse consequences occur to any person or witness as a result of having filed a good faith complaint or for providing information in any investigation of a complaint. Any employee who subjects a complainant or witness to recrimination or harassment for providing such information will incur disciplinary action as deemed appropriate.
The Washington County Sheriff’s Office will vigorously pursue all complaints. Complaints will be investigated and referred through proper channels for final disposition and the Complainant(s) will be notified of the outcome. Informal or anonymous complaints will be reviewed but will not be investigated.
Prior to filing a complaint, an individual should be aware of and understand Texas Penal Code, Section 37.02 which states:
A person commits an offense, if with intent to deceive and with the knowledge of the statement’s meaning:
(1) he makes a false statement under oath or swears to the truth of a false statement previously made and the
statement is required or authorized by law to be made under oath; or
(2) he makes a false sworn declaration under Chapter 132, Civil Practice and Remedies Code.
(b) An offense under this section is a Class Misdemeanor.